The Cost of Inequality - Fondation Des Femmes - Fondation Des Femmes JPG
The Cost of Inequality - Fondation Des Femmes - Fondation Des Femmes JPG
The Cost of Inequality - Fondation Des Femmes - Fondation Des Femmes MP4 1m:58s

The Cost of Inequality - Fondation Des Femmes
Fondation Des Femmes

The Cost of Inequality - Fondation Des Femmes - Fondation Des Femmes


Title: The Cost of Inequality
Brand: Fondation Des Femmes
Product/Service: Fondation Des Femmes
Client: Fondation Des Femmes
Entrant Company: Edelman
Agency: Edelman France
Production Company: Eddy TV
Editing Company: Eddy TV
Sound Company: Caleson
Creative Director: Lauren Haberfield, Executive Creative Director
Entrant Company Country: United Kingdom
Release Date: 2022-03-03
Duration: 01:58
Individual Credits: Stefan Ronge, EMEA CCO
Individual Credits: Mattias Ronge, EMEA CCO
Individual Credits: Margaux Gutmann, Art Director
Individual Credits: Helene Lucas, Copywriter
Individual Credits: Elana Movshovich, Strategic Planner
Individual Credits: Lina Messaoudene, Junior Strategic Planner
Individual Credits: Alexandra Roussel, Executive Producer, Eddy TV
Individual Credits: Rosine Chauvin, Production Manager, Eddy TV
Individual Credits: Hadrien Panevaire, Executive Producer, Eddy TV
Individual Credits: Louise Emandez, Director, Eddy TV
Individual Credits: Yoan Faisy, Caleson
Individual Credits: Christophe Boutin, Caleson
Individual Credits: Robin Felici, Caleson
Additional Credits: Léa Bacqué : PR lead (earned strategy)
Kenza Debbi :PA coordinator in charge of the relation with candidates team
Cerise Aubert-Truchefaud : Influencer lead
Rama Sall : Coordinator of practices
Anne-Cécile Thomann : CEO, supervisor