The umbilical cord - Equal pay day - Equal pay day JPG
The umbilical cord - Equal pay day - Equal pay day MP4 1m:46s

The umbilical cord - Equal pay day
Equal pay day

The umbilical cord - Equal pay day - Equal pay day


Title: The umbilical cord
Brand: Equal pay day
Product/Service: Equal pay day
Client: Zij-kant
Entrant Company: mortierbrigade
Agency: mortierbrigade
Production Company: Czar
Creative Director: Jens Mortier
Entrant Company Country: Belgium
Release Date: 2022-03-21
Additional Credits: Client: Zijkant – Equal Pay Day
Client contacts: Vera Claes, Julie Van Garsse

Agency: mortierbrigade
CEO: Jens Mortier
Executive Creative Director: Joost Berends
Brand Design Director: Philippe De Ceuster

Creatives Film: Jannis Min Jou, Thomas De Boeck, Lionel Goldstein
Strategy: Laura Deknock
Head of production : Charlotte Coddens
Lead Producer: Margaux Mariens

Cross Media Designer : Vito Latorrata

Director: Lionel Goldstein
Executive Producer: Eurydice Gysel
Producer: Maarten De Sutter
DOP: Grimm Vandekerckhove
Art Direction: Tanker
Editor: Stijn Deconinck
Grading: Olivier Ogneux
Online: Robin De Praetere
Post Production: Czar
Post Producer: Bieke De Keersmaecker
Soundmix: Raygun
Music: Poor Mum by Molly Drake ©️ Domino Publishing