Prepare For Misuse - PSA: Gun Safety - Ad Council and Brady JPG
Prepare For Misuse - PSA: Gun Safety - Ad Council and Brady MP4 1m:00s
Prepare For Misuse - PSA: Gun Safety - Ad Council and Brady MP4 2m:40s

Prepare For Misuse - Ad Council and Brady
PSA: Gun Safety

Prepare For Misuse - Ad Council and Brady - PSA: Gun Safety


Title: Prepare For Misuse
Brand: Ad Council and Brady
Product/Service: PSA: Gun Safety
Client: Ad Council and Brady
Entrant Company: McKinney
Agency: McKinney
Production Company: CYLNDR
Release Date: 2023-03-23
Duration: 01:00
Notes for Judging: Ad Council and Brady tasked us to create a new PSA for the End Family Fire campaign. This work would evolve the campaign’s long time focus on the dangers of unsecured guns in homes. It needed to show 3 types of shootings: intentional, unintentional, and suicide. We needed to connect with the gun-owning audience and change their behavior through objective truth: if your gun is prepared for use, then you must also be prepared for misuse. Because safety is our common goal, we outlined the necessary steps gun owners must take to keep their families safe if they decide not to restrict access to their guns. These grisly scenarios present themselves as far worse than the alternative: restricting access to guns in the home by storing them securely.

In this film, we witness three different ways an unsecured gun can be misused — unintentionally, intentionally, and for suicide. We open on our hero leaving his gun unlocked and loaded in a drawer. What good is a gun if it’s not prepared for use? His son then uses the gun to shoot himself. As he tries to save his son, we learn that access to a gun triples our risk of death by suicide. Then, we’re pulled into a different scenario — one where his young daughter found the gun and unintentionally shot his wife. He tries to resuscitate her before paramedics take over and we’re transported into a third scenario — one where someone has stolen his gun and used it to commit a mass shooting. We end with our hero realizing that the illusion of safety his gun provides is one that can shatter in an instant.

Access to firearms has been firmly woven into American culture for centuries. Over 60% of gun owners cite safety as the number one reason they own a gun. But American rates of gun suicide are climbing, alongside mass shootings, and guns are now the leading cause of death for children under 18. The data clearly shows that this is a public health endemic.

Because of this misconception, 4.6 million children live in homes with access to unlocked and loaded guns. What good is a gun, the argument goes, if it’s not prepared for use? This campaign offers a different perspective: if your gun is prepared for use, then you must also be prepared for misuse.

Gun control is one of the most divisive issues in America, and because of the political divide, this campaign needed to avoid alienating gun owners by speaking to them from their perspective on the issue.
Additional Credits: Jonathan Cude: Chief Creative Officer, McKinney
Lyle Yetman: Executive Creative Director, McKinney
Alex Shulhaffer: Group Creative Director, McKinney
Raf Viela: Art Director, McKinney
Will Engebretson: Copywriter, McKinney
AJ Garcia: Senior Strategist, McKinney
Matilda Ivey: Group Client Director, McKinney
Melanie Wallace: Account Director, McKinney
Will Batchelor: Account Manager, McKinney
Cyn Bastos: Director, Operations, McKinney
Mark Olson: Executive Producer, CYLNDR
Yaz Perea-Beltran: Production Coordinator, CYLNDR
Kelly Beatty: Business Affairs Manager, CYLNDR