La mamma non si tocca - Sex Toys - Control JPG
La mamma non si tocca - Sex Toys - Control MP4 2m:33s

La mamma non si tocca - Control
Sex Toys

La mamma non si tocca - Control - Sex Toys


Title: La mamma non si tocca
Brand: Control
Product/Service: Sex Toys
Client: Control
Entrant Company: Together
Agency: Together
Production Company: Together: We Make
Creative Director: Fabio Padoan - Erika Mameli
Release Date: 2023-05-08
Individual Credits: Strategy Director: Michela Noè
Individual Credits: Copywriter: Serena Mascia
Individual Credits: Art Director: Fabio Iacomino
Individual Credits: Community manager: Lucrezia Mondora
Individual Credits: Senior Account: Federica Ciappi
Individual Credits: Junior Account: Verdiana Peron
Individual Credits: Head of media: Michele Baldari
Individual Credits: Performance strategist: Giuseppe Coppola
Notes for Judging: Prejudices about women sexuality and in particular, the untouchability of mothers are not just cultural aspects but factors that influence the representation of the target in the media.
The idea was to break the taboo surrounding mothers' pleasure launching a new line of sex toys precisely on Mother's Day, with a provocative billboard campaign.
The campaign depicted a mother expressing pleasure with a provocative double entendre headline: "La mamma non si tocca" ("Hands off Mom.").
But what happened afterward is an integral part of the creative solution: when the campaign was blocked, we promptly had to modify the planning, redirecting the campaign to digital channels and spreading the unpublished billboard on social media. In no time, the content went viral.