THE RISE - sustainable ETFs - growney JPG
THE RISE - sustainable ETFs - growney JPG
THE RISE - sustainable ETFs - growney MP4 1m:59s

THE RISE - growney
sustainable ETFs

THE RISE - growney - sustainable ETFs


Brand: growney
Product/Service: sustainable ETFs
Client: growney
Entrant Company: Philipp und Keuntje
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Production Company: PuK Film
Creative Director: Nicolas Klein, Jonas Keller
Release Date: 2022-12-06
Individual Credits: Chief Creative Officer: Diether Kerner - fischerAppelt
Individual Credits: Chief Creative Officer: Robert Müller - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Art Director: Kathrin Hundt - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Copywriter: Gerrit Zell - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Account Manager: Nina Wulf - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Copywriter: Carolin Kolbinger - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Art Director: Laura Peter - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Art Director: Kalle Kruse - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Art Director: Josef Janacz - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Art Director: Hanna Heintzsch - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Account Director: Isabell Contreras Morales - Fork Unstable Media
Individual Credits: Art Director: Firyal Purwanto - Fork Unstable Media
Individual Credits: Social Media Manager: Vincent Schönborn - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Account Manager: Louis Sternberg - fischerAppelt, relations
Individual Credits: Trainee: Marilyn Salamov - fischerAppelt, relations
Individual Credits: Account Manager: Judith Knabe - fischerAppelt, relations
Individual Credits: Director Creative Media: Lukas Pachoinig - Mediaplus
Individual Credits: Film Producer: Samuel Cody - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Film Producer: Diana Scarfó - Philipp und Keuntje
Individual Credits: Editor: Jay Moss - Philipp und Keuntje
Additional Credits: Additional Companies:

fischerAppelt, relations
Fork Unstable Media GmbH
fischerAppelt, performance
Mediaplus Germany

Additional Credits:

Junior Editor: Fabio Henning - Philipp und Keuntje
Sr. Marketing Manager: William Gödecke - fischerAppelt, performance
Account Manager: Swantje Burow - fischerAppelt, performance
Paid SM Manager: Lara Fleischmann - fischerAppelt, performance
Mgr. Online Marketing: Yifan Wang - fischerAppelt, performance
Dir. Dig. Marketing: Markus Herrmann - fischerAppelt, performance
Junior SEA Manager: Anna Vonalt - fischerAppelt, performance
Senior Retouch Artist: Sven Fröhlich - Philipp und Keuntje
Senior Producer Print: Sascha Jeide - Philipp und Keuntje
Final Artist: Dorothea Buczek - Philipp und Keuntje
Final Artist: Ponke Herrmann - Philipp und Keuntje
Art Director: Magdalena Mayr - Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Consultant: Nikolas Bentel - Philipp und Keuntje
Head of Sales and Marketing: Thimm Blickensdorf - growney
Head of Corporate Communications: Dirk Hempel - growney